miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023

5to, 6to y 7mo TM- May Revolution

Para ver la publicación anterior: 

5to: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2023/05/5to-grado-tm-fun-time-around-world.html

6to: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2023/05/6to-grado-tm-cities-countries-and.html

7mo: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2023/05/7mo-grado-tm-more-on-frequency-adverbs.html

Hello students! Today we have a special activity on May Revolution...  Do you know these important women and men? Let's learn more about them!

Read and choose the correct option:  




martes, 9 de mayo de 2023

7mo grado TM- More on frequency adverbs, gadgets and technology!

Para ver la publicación anterior: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2023/04/5to-6to-y-7mo-tm-people-at-work-and_28.html

Hello students! How are you today? Esta vez continuaremos repasando los frequency adverbs... and technology 📱💻🔊. Let's start: 

1- Gadgets. Look at the pictures and choose the correct frequency adverb: 

2- More gadgets. Read and write the correct frequency adverb:

Una vez finalizado hagan click en "Terminado" y luego en "Comprobar mis respuestas"

6to grado TM- Cities, countries and personal information

Para ver la publicación anterior: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2023/04/5to-6to-y-7mo-tm-people-at-work-and_28.html

Hello students! How are you? Today we're going to practise on cities/countries and personal information. Let's start:

1- Personal information and countries: 

Unit 1, una ficha interactiva de Graciela_Pazos

2- Cities and countries: 

Una vez finalizadas las actividades, hagan click en "Terminado" y luego en "Comprobar respuestas"

5to grado TM- Fun time around the world

Para ver la publicación anterior: 


Hello students! How are you? Today we have an interactive activity on FUN TIME around the world. Do you remember free time activities? 🤔🏓⚽📚💻🖌Let's start:

Fun time around the world, una ficha interactiva de profarjuly

Una vez finalizado, hagan click en "Terminado" y luego en "Comprobar respuestas"

Entrada destacada

Congratulations students!!!

CLASS OF 2024!!! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓👏👏👏   https://mvep.gov.hr/informacion-consular-138205/atencion-al-publico-aviso-importante/27119

Entradas populares