jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

6to grado TM- School days

Para ver las publicaciones anteriores: May Revolution: https://inglesescuela17de20.blogspot.com/2022/05/5to-6to-7mo-tm-may-revolution.html


Hello students! How are you today? Let's keep on working about School days:

A- School subjects. Find the coincidence. Busca la coincidencia. 


B- Schools in England and Wales. 

1- Listen and find the information for each person. Escuchen y respondan desplegando el menú. 

2- Listen, read, look at the chart and answer. Escuchen, lean, miren la tabla y respondan. 


Project 1 - Schools, una ficha interactiva de kkorelka

C- What's your favourite subject? Les dejamos este video clip para repasar: 

 ¿Se animan a inventar una coreografía para las materias? ☺ Bye bye!

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Congratulations students!!!

CLASS OF 2024!!! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓👏👏👏   https://mvep.gov.hr/informacion-consular-138205/atencion-al-publico-aviso-importante/27119

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