lunes, 22 de agosto de 2022

6to grado TM- Asking for information: A video

Para ver la publicación anterior:

 Hello students! How are you today? Are you ready to watch a video?  

1) Do you remember Rebecca? Where is she? Who is the woman with her? 

Let's watch the video: Rebecca asks about an activity from the noticeboard. What activity does she ask about? Does she sign up for it?

2) Asking for information. After watching the video, read and choose the correct option:

Actividad derivada de On the Pulse 2
Una vez finalizado, hagan click en "Terminado" y luego en "Comprobar mis respuestas"

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Congratulations students!!!

CLASS OF 2024!!! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓👏👏👏

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