jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

5to grado TM- What do you want to do? +BONUS

Hello students! How are you today? Today we have a frequent question: What do you want to do? Let's start working:

1) Look, read and choose the correct sentence:

2) Want or wants? Choose the correct alternative. Click on the picture to start: 

BONUS: This time we're going to practise on continents and countries... 👌Do you know Educandy? Let's practise with funny games: 

1- Multiple choice: 

2- Noughts and crosses: (Ta-te-ti) Para comenzar, elegir la opción "Play against the computer" (jugar contra la computadora). Después pueden elegir "Two player game".

3- Match-up: 

4- Memory game: 


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CLASS OF 2024!!! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓👏👏👏   https://mvep.gov.hr/informacion-consular-138205/atencion-al-publico-aviso-importante/27119

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